A day of learning for School Councils
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A structured day of learning for School Councils throughout the division took place yesterday in Whitecourt. The day focused on effective engagement in our school communities, the power of collaboration and the importance of relationships between parents, teachers and principals in achieving school goals.
Board Chair Judy Muir welcomed attendees, acknowledging how School Councils’ “collective voice and efforts impact student learning.”
Facilitated by the Alberta School Councils Association (ASCA), the session focused on enhancing school council effectiveness and parent engagement with a presentation by the ASCA's Linda Akers. The Association provides public education, development sessions and resources for school communities.
We came, we learned, now what?
Bringing people together for learning, discussion and networking is important because sometimes hearing what others are doing gives us new ideas, fresh perspectives and the networks of people we need to do our best work.
NGPS Superintendent Kevin Andrea commended parents for their commitment to making a difference and spoke to the role school councils can play in changing school culture and expectations, asking parents, “In terms of student achievement, are we content with our current reality and if not, how can we as parents and councils support change?”
One of the questions asked of school councils was whether they would like to form a larger Community of School Councils. A Community of School Councils would have parent representation from each of NGPS' communities/school councils with the purpose of information sharing, resource building and overall support for School Councils.
Student Voice
Attendees also heard from students via JSET, short for NGPS' Jurisdicitional Student Engagement Team. This group of ten students, two from each NGPS high school, took the opportunity to connect and make their own plans for engaging their peers and sharing the student voice over the upcoming year. Following their own session, they reviewed the work done by School Councils during the day and compiled it into a video that the councils will see when they meet next. The video is a fun learning experience for both students and parents - parents will learn how students perceive their feedback, goals and work and students learned more about what is important to their parent communities.
School Councils will discuss the potential for a Community of School Councils within their school communities and report back this Winter.