Educators Begin Their Journey with NGPS
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Twenty-two new educators joined Northern Gateway Public Schools this year. On August 27th, these teachers came together at Division Office for their official welcome and orientation.
Educators were greeted by Assistant Superintendent Sheila Ranslam and the Learning Services Team. Opening messages were shared by Superintendent Andrea and Deputy Superintendent Brennick. The Marshmallow Challenge, a team building activity, was an experience to parallel that which might be undertaken in their classes as they build rapport with their students. Presentations were provided by ATA Local 43 President Eric Frederick, Edwards Jones Financial Consultant Cliff Mertick, and NGPS Human Resources team members Linda Langley, Gloria Johnson, and Alisa Murray.
Northern Gateway Public Schools believes that investing in beginning teachers is ultimately in the best interest of students, for not only this first year but beyond. Beginning teachers are provided mentors at both the school and the jurisdiction level to ensure they receive the support they need to not just survive their first year, but truly thrive. Our students are fortunate these educators have chosen NGPS to establish their careers.