Have your say in shaping Alberta's new curriculum!
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The Government is launching a series of initiatives known as "Future Ready" that will coordinate and improve education and skills training to better prepare kids for success in a changing economy, starting with a major consultation on future Alberta curriculum.
The first initiative to launch under Future Ready includes an online survey to ensure that parents and other Albertans have their say during a comprehensive review of the province's K-12 curriculum.
Alberta is reviewing and updating the curriculum, which outlines what students are expected to learn from Kindergarten through Grade 12.
The online survey will run from October 18, 2016 until November 18, 2016. Click here to go to the Online Curriculum Survey http://bit.ly/2eGbeZY
The Alberta School Councils' Association (ASCA) is hosting a WEBINAR with the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC) on November 8, 2016 to encourage parents and school councils to participate in the engagement process.
Click here for Webinar event details and Registration http://bit.ly/2dL05m7.
Opportunity for input at face-to-face sessions is being coordinated through the Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia (ARPDC) http://bit.ly/2eRVilb in various regions of the province. School councils are encouraged to contact the ARPDC to register for a session, to help organize another session for your group, or to gain access to the guide for hosting your own session.
A section of Alberta Education's website is dedicated to the Curriculum Development which includes further details and specific links to more information, including the Alberta Education website, an introductory video, and a Parent Information Article https://education.alberta.ca/ from the Ministry.
This survey is one piece of information that will be considered by curriculum developers when decisions are made about the content of Alberta's future curriculum. Alberta Education will also be looking at research, what other jurisdictions from around the world are doing, and holding focused face-to-face discussions with a cross-section of Albertans.