MHS We Are The Movement!
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MHS Students Raise Money To Build A School In Africa!
by Brent Northcott, Principal
Mayerthorpe High School's We Day Club, We Are the Movement (WAM) was able to take advantage of great opportunity to double our fundraising efforts to date. As a spring program, Free the Children offered to match donations across Canada. Available funds were $100,000.00 with up to $5000.00 per school that sent donations.
With rafiki sales and recycling, MHS raised $4500.00 between May 2014- 2015!!! On May 4th, we received the match raising our total funds for building the school to $9000.00. Last year we deposited $800.00. When all is said and done, we have raised $9800.00 of the required $10,000.00. Well done WAM club!!!
WAM is raising funds to build a school in Africa. Every $20 raised buys a brick. Their goal is to have the school completed by the end of the 2015-2016 school year. The matching donation means the goal will be met ahead of schedule. WAM Club coordinator, Mrs. Ranslam-Bissonnette states, "This is truly a great accomplishment by a small group of dedicated students who are set to make the world a better place for all."
WAM has one more fundraiser for the current school year. On May 29th, they will be hosting their annual Red Eye Tournament. This is a fun night for students where they get to spend the night at school while participating in sports, video games, and movies. There will be a concession available. In the morning the students are treated to a free pancake breakfast.
For more information on We Are the Movement or to donate, please contact Mrs. Ranslam-Bissonette.