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There is a new team of collaborators on the NGPS scene and they go by the acronym NGJSET! Pronounced N-G-Jay-Sett, the Northern Gateway Jurisdictional Student Engagement Team is a group of ten NGPS students who are passionate about giving students a voice.
Two students from each of our five high schools were selected for the team based on their interest and enthusiasm for engaging their fellow students. The team formed in December following the Education Minister’s request to have teams of students working with each other in their own schools to:
- Seek opportunities to gather student voice in their schools
- form communication links among high schools
- form student advisory councils or support existing student advisory councils within their schools
- organize Speak Out events at their school
- become involved with the Board of Trustees to carry their voice to the governance level
Five members of NGJSET met the Board of Trustees at this past Tuesday’s Board Meeting where they introduced themselves and shared with the Board their provincial mandate, their vision for NGJSET and their excitement for gathering the student voice.
“We want to have a positive impact in our schools. We want to find ways for students to share their school experiences and how they feel about their education, our schools, and what is important to them.”
The team feels that building comfort in their own schools and connections with students at different schools is important to their endeavour.
“We want a school environment where everyone feels comfortable to share their voice, feel that their opinion is important and know that there are real ways for their voice to be heard. In terms of connecting with other high schools in the division, it will be nice to see how they do things in their schools and to share ideas and strategies for accomplishing our goals.”
NGJSET Mission:
We are equal. We make changes. We create community. We are students and we have a voice.
Students should keep their eyes and ears peeled in the coming months for announcements of school “Speak Outs” and the formation of student councils.