Welcome Back!
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A message from Superintendent of Schools, Kevin Andrea
Welcome back to another exciting year with Northern Gateway Public Schools! We hope you had a restful and enjoyable summer holiday with friends and family, and that you are energized for a remarkable year ahead.
The 2014-2015 school year has the potential to be one of the most significant in the nineteen year history of our school division. After successive years of instructional investment and improved student achievement results, our Division is launching new directions in educational technology that promise to positively impact teaching and learning. And, after eighteen years, we are putting a new corporate “face” on Northern Gateway Public Schools.
It’s more than a logo
Rebranding is more than a new logo, it is our visual identity. It is the way we look, the way we sound and the way we act. It speaks to who we are as a school division and the experience we cultivate and aspire to provide for learners within our communities. It represents on the outside what we’re doing internally every day – building leadership and capacity, incorporating new learning technologies, participating in research on curriculum, and providing students with personalized and inclusive learning opportunities.
Through strategic planning, research, collaboration and professional development we envision environments where learning is exciting and where all learners (students and staff) aspire to reach for new heights. Education is evolving and so are we.
Have a wonderful year everyone!
Kevin Andrea
Superintendent of Schools