Therapy Dog visits Onoway Jr/Sr High!
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It began with a novel study. Ms. Peer and her Grade 8's are reading Silas House's Same Sun Here in which a family's pet dogs provide comfort and emotional security to the characters. During the study Ms. Peer realized that a visit from a real therapy dog would be an excellent and exciting addition to the study. She immediately contacted Mrs. Cote at Pat Hardy School and arrangements were made for Sage to visit.
If you haven't already heard of Sage, she is a trained therapy/literacy dog that works at Pat Hardy Primary School. Her handler is Mrs. Cote who teaches Grade 2 at the school. Sage spends half of her day in the classroom at Pat Hardy and the other half in the library learning commons.
Sage and Mrs. Cote visited with the OJSH Grade 8 class for the first block in the classroom and the library learning commons where they listened to a short story about a dog. Then it was off to Mr. Daly’s Grade 8 English Language Arts and the Life Skills room. Sage also paid a visit to the teachers’ staff room before heading over to Gateway Academy Onoway (Outreach) for a visit.
Sage has been a staff member of Pat Hardy Primary School since May 2015. She arrived at Pat Hardy after NGPS Superintendent Kevin Andrea broached the idea of therapy/literacy dogs at a Principal’s meeting. Sage was 2 years old at the time and came to school highly trained by her handlers, trainers and family at Dogs with Wings.
Sage's training included a period of time with special puppy trainers followed by adult training before going to school from 7 am to 5 pm in order to become part of the Dogs with Wings association. Sage is a highly trained and responsive dog.
Everyone at OJSH who had the privilege and pleasure of meeting Sage was impressed with her gentleness, friendliness and excellent behavior.