Trust in the Good
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I started writing my regular article about resiliency and building strength for better days to come. Then a war began in Europe and I just could not hit send on my original piece. My mom shared a heartfelt poem with me this morning by Donna Ashworth that eased my anxiousness a little. I contacted the author and asked her permission to share it with you. I hope it will calm your fretful heart as it did mine.
The world can be a terrifying place at times and it seems we are emerging from one horrendous period, into another.
So if you are feeling wobbly today, it is no wonder.
The world is a scary place.
But it always has been.
And I am afraid it, always will be.
Keep your little corner of the world calm today,
And if you feel helpless and hopeless there is something you can do.
You can channel your fear into kindness.
It does help.
It is something to do with the energy of thousands of people sending positivity at the same time, it creates magic, of this I have no doubt.
So, when the winds of war rage and the hounds of dread howl, hunker.
Think kind thoughts, do kind deeds and spread love around your little part of the world.
And trust in the good.
There is always good.
Shared with permission by Donna Ashworth, best selling author and poet
Article submitted by Tammy Charko BA, BSW, RSW. Tammy is Northern Gateway Public School’s Student Support Facilitator. Advocating for students and families and promoting success in school, Tammy is a support for schools, students, parents and caregivers. Tammy has been a Registered Social Worker for more than 20 years and is a mother to 3 teenagers and 1 young adult.