UPDATE: Masks required in school common spaces
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Starting Tuesday, September 7, all students, staff and visitors will be required to wear a non-medical face mask in school common spaces like hallways, washrooms and other spaces where people are close together and not able to stay in a cohort.
The decision comes in response to rising local case numbers and the Government of Alberta's announcement today regarding new temporary measures.
“We want to keep students and staff in school as much as possible. With the Government's new measures, and rising case numbers in our local communities, common space masking in areas of congestion is a balanced approach we can take to help reduce exposure.”
- Kevin Bird, NGPS Superintendent of Schools
The measure is designed to have as little effect as possible on teaching and learning while providing less overall exposure in the school.
We know this is a challenging time for families. Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in providing healthy teaching and learning environments for our students and staff.
Complete details can be found in the NGPS 2021-22 Back to School Plan.