World Class Google Summit coming to Whitecourt
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Google Apps for Education (GAFE) is a comprehensive suite of programs that allow us to learn and collaborate in a digital environment in exciting, new ways.
Connect with other staff and students - study, create, communicate and share in ways like never before.
Work, study and share from anywhere - files, data, photos and everything we use as students, teachers and staff is automatically saved in the cloud which means emails, documents, calendars and sites can be accessed, edited, and worked on by multiple individuals on almost any mobile device or tablet, anytime, anywhere.
Collaborate quickly and easily - website and document creation tools offer real-time editing, powerful sharing controls and seamless compatibility which in turn create an ideal environment for learning today. Students can study together in real time and across distances. Students from different schools in different countries can collaborate on projects. Gone are the days of the “digital collaboration cycle,” where a file was emailed, downloaded, edited, saved with a revised title, attached to a new email...only to have the process repeated. GAFE allows for this collaboration with easy access to revision histories ALL IN ONE PLACE.
Leverage powerful tools for learning including providing opportunities for feedback from peers, the ability to gather data for projects or assessments and incorporate assistive technology add-ons that support all students (i.e. Read and Write for Google).
Rest assured that our data is private, safe and secure.
So, we have the tools, now what do we do with them?
Northern Gateway Public Schools (NGPS) introduced GAFE throughout the Division this year to enhance teaching and learning for all users, from the student and the teacher in the classroom to the Superintendent and support staff in our offices. Bringing the Google EdTech Team in for customized training will ensure that all staff are comfortable and skilled in using GAFE and taking full advantage of all of Google’s features, applications and capabilities.
A World Class Summit - Whitecourt - March 5th & 6th
This truly is a world class summit: on March 5th and 6th, Google EdTech teachers, trainers and engineers, the same team that facilitates summits in Edmonton, Calgary and around the world, will facilitate a two day NGPS summit featuring numerous sessions which have been organized to meet the different needs of everyone in our Division. Google Apps takes us one step closer to living and thriving in our virtual world, not just for students while they attend Northern Gateway schools, but after they graduate as well.
Superintendent of Schools, Kevin Andrea
Some examples of session topics are Getting Going with Google Drive, YouTube on Your Side, Getting Google Going on Mobile Devices, Demystifying Google Search, and Assistive Technology: What’s Good for One may be Good for All. The intent of the summit is to promote growth at all levels (#gettinggoing, #gearingup, #gettinggeeky) throughout all positions who have access to the Google suite of programs.
Recognizing that the summit is an outstanding professional development opportunity, NGPS has invited our neighbouring school divisions to take part. Staff from Grande Yellowhead Public School Division, High Prairie School Division, Living Waters Catholic Regional Division and Pembina Hills Regional Division will join us in our learning.