Domain Overview

Key Domain - Social Well-Being

Staff engage and develop professional relationships to build a cohesive climate of trust, considered to be a foundation for school effectiveness (Huang, Yin & Lv, 2019).  Recognizing that social support has a powerful impact on overall well-being (Li & Zhang, 2019; Chi, Yeh & Wu, 2014), staff establish and maintain meaningful connections.

Focus of the Domain

  • Professionally Engaged Participant - Staff participate and contribute to a collaborative school culture, which positively impacts job satisfaction, staff enthusiasm and relationships with students (Edinger & Edinger, 2018). Staff seek out opportunities to engage with peers, through school and district-wide structures and processes that provide working conditions to support meaningful interactions.  
  • Connections and Relationship Building - Staff develop positive connections and relationships with others.  Opportunities exist in schools to establish and maintain connections, creating a sense of community.  When necessary, reaching out for assistance is encouraged and supported. 
  • Growth for Learning - Staff engage in ongoing reflection to enhance social well-being to cultivate a quality learning environment. Staff engage in collaborative professional learning that lead to high levels of self-efficacy and individual job satisfaction (Pogdzinski, 2013), as well as higher levels of shared professional capital (Hargreaves & Fullan, 2012).

Reflective Questions

  • How do I contribute and engage in a cohesive, respectful, and supportive environment? 
  • How do we, as a team, encourage and support positive professional engagement in our school?
  • How do I create and maintain healthy relationships? 
  • How do we, as a team, encourage and support positive connections and relationships for our team?
  • How do I positively contribute to collaborative professional learning?
  • How do we, as a team, support and enhance collaborative professional learning in our school?



Chi, H., Yeh, H., & W, S. F. (2014). How well-being mediates the relationship between social support and teaching effectiveness. Journal of Education and Learning, 3(4), 117-130.

Edinger, S. K. & Edinger, M. J. (2018). Improving teacher job satisfaction: The roles of social capital, teacher efficacy, and support. The Journal of Psychology, 152(8), 573-593. doi: 10.1080/00223980.2018.1489364

Hargreaves, A., & Fullan, M. (2012). Professional capital: transforming teaching in every school. New York: Teachers College Press.

Huang, S., Yin, H., & Yl, L. (2019). Job characteristics and teacher well-being: The mediation of teacher self-monitoring and teacher self-efficacy. Educational Psychology, 39(3), 313-331. doi: 10.1080/01443410.2018.1543855 

Li, Y. & Zhang, R. (2019). Kindergarten teachers’ work stress and work-related well-being: A moderated mediation model. Social Behavior and Personality, 47(11), e8409. Retrieved from

Pogodzinski, B. (2014). Collegial support and novice teachers’ perceptions of working conditions. Journal of Educational Change, 15(4), 467-489. doi: 10.1007/s10833-013-9221-x